Where do you see God working??
This has been a tough week for everyone. Not only are we all feeling disconnected from our friends and our family but it feels like society is super disconnected. There is so much pain everywhere right now.
So my question for you is: where do you see God’s presence right now??
That’s a tough question. With lots of people working remotely the boundaries between work and home are non-existent. I have had so many people mention that they are working way more now than they were before. These people are feeling tired, stressed, and disconnected. Then some have been or have reduced hours, or they are not working. These folks are over the top stressed, they have bills to pay and no way to get a new job right now. This is so much stress and uncertainty.
I haven’t even mentioned Covid-19. We are all concerned about Covid. People are dying. It is a big deal. Even if we are not in the high-risk category we need to be concerned about the people we might be taking the virus to, the people we are in contact with might be high risk. I don’t want to be the person who brought the virus to them. This is stressful. Everything feels disjointed. Does it feel like that for you?? Are you having a hard time seeing where God is working??
One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to make a habit in our daily lives of noticing where God is present for you. This one habit is foundational to everything.
I find it interesting that I am always looking for God’s presence big, huge, and larger than life. And I’ll even go so far at to say I EXPECT to see God’s presence big, BIG. This expectation that I have, I think, actually works against my ability to were God truly is.
The truth here….
God is in your conversations with your loved ones as you are leaving for the day. God's presence is in your tendency to be kind and pleasant to strangers. God is present in the conversations at work with colleagues or the delivery person. God is present in the exhaustion you notice in the essential worker.
Before you do another thing, locate God’s Divine love in your ordinary activity today.