Feeling Stuck??
What do you do when you are stuck?? It’s so frustrating. You know you have something you need to fix or work on or do but where do you start?? Or maybe you have started but an obstacle is so big you can’t seem to find a way around it or over it or through it. OH… it makes me want to throw my hands in the air and give up. AND if feeling stuck isn’t bad enough, giving up altogether makes me feel horrible. So then not only am I feeling like a stick in mud I’m also feeling like a failure. What do you do?? What CAN you do?? How do you get moving??
Here is one idea to help get the momentum going. Make a list of some possible solutions or ideas or resources or people who could help you. Really challenge yourself to come up with 10 ideas even if they are crazy and not even reasonable or possible. Pick from your list 2 maybe 3 items that you feel like you can really reasonably put into action. Take a deep breath and take on a couple of your ideas in baby steps. YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THIS!!
When I am stuck sometimes take a step back, take a little mini break, I make a list and try something from a different perspective. Sometimes my ideas include asking for help from a friend. I muster up my courage and I go ask for help. I don’t stay stuck long.
What are some other ideas for unsticking yourself?? How do you keep moving when you are up against a seemingly unmovable obstacle??